In June 2012, British Columbia celebrated the opening of the BC Children’s Hospitals new Child and Family Research Imaging Facility. The facility includes a state-of-the-art 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner. This has allowed researches to deepen their understanding of childhood brain development and how children are affected by brain disorders. It will also aid researchers and doctors to evaluate new therapies for protecting the brain, as well as advancing their work in other areas regarding children’s health.  

The $12 million facility was largely publicly funded with $4.8 million being received from the Government of Canada through the Canada Funding for Innovation. An additional $4.8 was given from the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund, matching the money from the Government of Canada. On top of the public funding, $1.3 million was donated by Mining for Miracles, raised over two years from 2009-2010, marking the largest non-public donation to the facility.